Sugar-free Chocolate cake

Discover a delicious recipe for Sugar-free Chocolate cake with Karpos Oat Drink from OLYMPOS.


  • 300 gr. all-purpose flour
  • 80 gr. cocoa powder
  • 70 gr. sunflower oil
  • 2 vanillins
  • 250 gr. 1:1 stevia
  • 400 gr. Oat drink
  • 1 tsp. of baking powder
  • 1 tsp. of baking soda
  • 1 tsp. of vinegar


  • 1300 gr. Oat drink
  • 300 gr. dark chocolate couverture with stevia
  • 200 gr. 1:1 stevia
  • 120 gr. corn flour
  • 30 gr. cocoa powder
  • 2 vanillins


  • Flakes of chocolate couverture with stevia
  • Baking pan of 25*30 cm.
Oat drink
Oat drink


  1. In a bowl, pour Oat drink, the sunflower oil, the cocoa powder, the baking powder, the baking soda, the vanillins, stevia and mix really well.
  2. Add all-purpose flour, the vinegar and mix really well with the hand whisk, until you get a smooth mixture
  3. Brush a small baking pan of 25*30 cm with sunflower oil and pour the mixture.
  4. Bake at pre-heat oven set to resistances for 20 minutes at 200οC.
  5. Coat the cake layer with Oat drink using a brush.
  6. Finely chop the dark chocolate couverture with stevia and put it aside.
  7. Pour Oat drink, the cocoa powder, the corn flour and the stevia in a pot and stir well on heat, until it thickens.
  8. Remove from heat; add both vanillins and the chocolate couverture.
  9. Whisk really well, until the chocolate couverture melts and pour the cream on top of the cake layer. 
  10. Cover with a plastic wrap directly touching the surface of the cream.
  11. Let it cool down at room temperature and then refrigerate for 2 hours.
  12. Use a peeler to crush the chocolate couverture flakes with stevia all over the surface and cut the cake in pieces.
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