Hellenic Trademark

OLYMPOS is the first company to be awarded the Hellenic Trademark

Soon, you will start seeing a heart with the Greek flag on OLYMPOS products. Actually, a commercial that informs you about it is shown on TV.

This heart, in the colours of the Greek flag, is the Hellenic Trademark, an initiative of the Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Maritime & Tourism, which is awarded to businesses that produce products in Greece, only from Greek raw materials.

Objectives of this initiative are:

  • to promote local products and local entrepreneurship
  • to prevent consumers being mislead
  • to protect the producers’ interests against trademark infringement and unfair competition
  • and to reinforce the competitiveness of Greek businesses.

As every consumer would expect, OLYMPOS is the first company to be awarded the Hellenic Trademark. It was awarded to it, as people would say…with flying colours! And that, of course, is nothing but accidental. Firmly committed to the “Greekness” of our products, and adhered to our philosophy to support the Greek producer, we, at OLYMPOS, have always had a very special relationship with tradition. The image of the Greek village, the producer that struggles daily and the authentically Greek product is directly linked, in the Greek consumer’s heart, with OLYMPOS. So it makes sense that the “Greek heart” finds its place on our packages.

Slowly but surely, the more the processes to prepare the new packages proceed, the more OLYMPOS products, with the Hellenic Trademark, you will find in the supermarket refrigerators. So, what you knew so far about OLYMPOS products will now become obvious in the most official way.

Concluding, we would like to open our own heart to you, telling you about what the award of the Hellenic Trademark to our products means to us. It is something that fills us with joy and pride, but that also makes us feel finally vindicated! OLYMPOS has been asking officially, for years, the establishment of such a certification procedure for the “Greekness” of the products. Moreover, a major part of our communication was based exactly on that, our origin. It was actually the first company to submit an application, in order to be awarded the trademark. So, one can easily understand what a joy this development has been to us.

Finally, a trademark of vindication for our company and our people.

OLYMPOS always Greek- a trademark of vindication.
